Hello and welcome back to another INTJ University video! Today, we're taking a closer look at the so-called Ni-Fi loop that keeps INTJs trapped in unhealthy psychological cycles.
Have you ever experienced phases in your life of feeling exceptionally stuck in your own head and isolating yourself from the world more than usual? Chances are that the reason for this was the Ni-Fi loop. In this video, we will explain to you what exactly that is and how you can break free from it.
But – before we dive in, please make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more INTJ content.
Alright, so let's get started!
What is the Ni-Fi Loop?
When INTJs are healthy, their personality works like a well-oiled machine according to their cognitive function stack.
This means that you experience the world primarily through your dominant cognitive function of Introverted Intuition, which helps you to predict future trends and developments well. Then you use Extraverted Thinking to fill in your knowledge gaps and create plans based on logic, and finally use Introverted Feeling to ask your moral compass how you feel about it. In some situations, you might even use Extraverted Sensing to consider sensory information.
If all of that sounded new to you then we recommend you check out the description and watch our video called “How The INTJ Brain Works: Cognitive Functions Explained”. In that video, we explain the cognitive function stack of the INTJ in detail.
The Ni-Fi loop refers to the tendency for INTJs to become fixated on a particular idea or belief and struggle to consider alternative perspectives. It’s a behavior pattern that can occur for example when an INTJ's dominant cognitive function Introverted Intuition becomes overactive. In this state, the INTJ may bypass their auxiliary function Extraverted Thinking and instead focuses on their tertiary function Introverted Feeling. This can create a loop where the INTJ oscillates between their Ni and Fi functions rather than using their Extraverted Thinking function to balance them out.
This leads to INTJs developing a tunnel view. When an INTJ is in this state of Ni-Fi looping, they are not utilizing their usual auxiliary function of Extraverted Thinking as effectively. Instead, they bypass it and go straight to their feeling function. This creates a repetitive cycle of moving from intuition to feeling and back again. This type of looping is not beneficial for the INTJ and can lead to poor decision-making, unrealistic ideas and lack of concentration.
When an INTJ is in one of those loops, they may seem scattered, disorganized, and indecisive. INTJs may fall into a Ni-Fi loop as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from external pressures and influences. They may retreat into their introverted functions as a way of secluding themselves from the outer world. It can also happen as a result of an environmental imbalance, where the INTJ is not given enough opportunities to use their auxiliary function, leading to continuous isolation and over-reliance on their introverted functions. Additionally, if the INTJ places too much importance on their internal world and does not prioritize developing their auxiliary function or engaging with the outside world, they may also fall into a looping pattern.
How To Recognize The Ni-Fi Loop
If you want to know if you have become trapped in a Ni-Fi loop, then pay attention to these signs. They are practical indicators for INTJs to pause and check if they are in a Ni-Fi loop:
Emotional detachment
INTJs in a Ni-Fi loop may become emotionally detached and unresponsive to the needs and feelings of others. This can be due to the fact that they become so focused on their own thoughts and ideas that they are unable to relate to the perspectives and experiences of others. This can make it difficult for them to understand and relate to the perspectives of others, which can lead to difficulty in decision-making and may cause them to become stubborn and rigid in their beliefs.
Lack of flexibility
INTJs in a Ni-Fi loop may become resistant to change and struggle to adapt to new situations or perspectives. They may become so focused on their current idea or belief that they are unable to see other potential options or solutions.
Difficulty in communication
INTJs in a Ni-Fi loop may struggle to effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas to others because they are focused on their internal thoughts and emotions, and may not take the time to consider how others will interpret their message. They may be unable to convey their perspectives in a way that others can understand, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
It's worth noting that these effects may vary from person to person, and not every INTJ will experience all of them. Also, being in a Ni-Fi loop does not mean that INTJs are incapable of connecting emotionally, changing their perspective or understanding other people's perspectives. It just means that their focus becomes too narrow and they may need to make an effort to broaden their perspective.
How To Break Free From The Ni-Fi Loop
Breaking free from a Ni-Fi loop can be challenging for INTJs, as they tend to be deeply analytical and logical individuals who are naturally inclined to focus on a specific idea or belief. However, there are several strategies that INTJs can use to break free from a Ni-Fi loop and regain perspective.
One way to break free is by exposing yourself to new information and perspectives. This could include reading books, articles, or other sources that challenge your current beliefs or ideas.
Additionally, talking to people who have different perspectives, such as friends or family members who hold different beliefs or work in different fields, can help you broaden your perspective and see new possibilities.
Another way to break free is by engaging in activities that break your routine. This can include traveling to new places, trying new hobbies, or even changing your daily routine.
Finally, reflecting on your thoughts and emotions can also be helpful in breaking free from a Ni-Fi loop. Take time to think about why you are fixated on a specific idea or belief, and what emotions may be driving your behavior. Here are some questions you can ask yourself:
"In what situations do I find myself becoming emotionally detached or unresponsive to the needs and feelings of others?"
"When do I struggle to consider alternative perspectives or ideas?"
"How can I actively work on being more open to different perspectives and ideas in my decision-making process?"
It's worth noting that not all of these strategies may work for everyone, so you should experiment with the different techniques until you find what works best for you. Also, it's important to remember that breaking free from a Ni-Fi loop can be a long process and it may take time and effort to fully achieve it.
So there you have it, that’s the Ni-Fi loop explained for you. Let us know in the comments if you have you ever experienced the Ni-Fi loop yourself. Also, if you found this video helpful, please leave a like and subscribe to our channel for more INTJ content.
Thanks for watching and see you soon! Bye!