Hello, potential INTJ 5w6 here.
Hello, potential INTJ 5w6 here.
Before anything, I would like to point out that there's a chance that I might be mistyped all along. I have a hard time deciding for whether I really am an intuitive, the 'revelations' people (INTJs) talk about having shouldn't even feel like revelations in the first place. I have a hard time accepting my 'connections' to be unique enough to actually be intuitive since they feel so.. normal. It feels as if anyone can make those connections (better than mine might I say) and I am dwelling on nothing but surface level information. An INTJ would be accustomed to forming patterns in the first place, which might be a reason I have recognizing this aspect of mine for a while, I can't use Si to think of moments when this intuition has worked before, my memory sucks when recalling experiences unless it does that on its own. I might form connections, but I also have the ability to mold any argument that supports my INTJ behavior to be that of other types such as ISTJ. Anyways, happy to be here, even if it may be for a short while.